Pete the Cat Week
It was a fun week in the Orange Classroom with Pete the Cat. Our book bucket has so many Pete books that it is impossible for me to read all of them during the week. The children enjoyed looking through them during ‘Quiet Reading’ time.
On Wednesday, I read Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana. I happened to have a banana in my bag to eat at lunchtime. I took out the banana and to the children’s surprise, I ate the banana while I read the book. Every time I turned the page, I had another bite. This turned out to be very entertaining for them. On Thursday and Friday, I again ate a banana while reading new books. Sometimes I would forget to take a bite for two pages. The children would tell me I forgot to eat and I had to have two bites. Once I turned three pages and of course I was told to eat three bites. I hope they are not disappointed next week when I have no more bananas!
There were many cat activities to choose from at the table activities.
Some of the projects made this week
On the right is a sample page from a book that I read every day this week. The children had much fun seeing all the shoes and calling out to whom the shoes belong. Many children wore the same shoes that were in the book; however, children’s feet keep growing! Some children have outgrown the shoes from a few weeks ago and are wearing new shoes. All of the shoes are below…..see if your child can tell you whose is whose.