School’s Out

The end of the school year has arrived. Everyone is excited for summer, but there’s also a bit of sadness at saying Good Bye to the children. The Orange Class Team has enjoyed watching your children grow and to have been a part of their early years. Some children will be moving on to different classrooms, some children will be returning to the Orange Classroom, and some children will be moving on to new schools or new states. But we will always be bonded together as the Orange Class 2022-2023.

On Monday the children made the flower that grows in Eric Carle’s book “The Tiny Seed”. The seed in the story goes through a yearly cycle, just as the children have done at MWS.

Last Tuesday we had our last class of the year with our music specialist, Mrs. Noriko Wada. The children had the opportunity to be introduced to a wide variety of music, learning dance steps and using egg shakers, scarves, tambourines, rhythm sticks, and more.

I hope you enjoy the summer with typical summertime activities at home or while traveling. You and your children are what makes the MWS community special.


First Day of School

