What’s Cooking

Before March 12, 2020, the classes at MWS cooked their snack once a week. The school has 2 convection ovens on rolling carts that are easily brought into the classrooms. The ovens are sectioned off keeping the children at a safe distance. I think this activity is the last one to be reinstated since the pandemic. For the first time in 3 1/2 years, the Orange class baked their own snack on Wednesday. We will continue to do this most weeks. Everyone enjoyed pouring and stirring and particularly eating our apple cake.

A few of our children had haircuts this week. I also had one. I have been slowly shortening the length of my hair. However, this haircut is the shortest since I was a baby! Everyone, children and adults alike, have been surprised but no one is more surprised than me. Every time I see my reflection I wonder “How did I let that happen?” But it sure is the easiest haircut to care for. Our three girls also made a statement with their hair this week — they all had pigtails.

Some of the table activities this week were:

Our sensory table was filled with a lentil/white bean mixture. The children enjoy using their fine motor muscles to unscrew the caps off of the small tubes and fill them with the mixture. These activities are beneficial for getting their hands ready for writing.

The children made beautiful fall leaves which are on our bulletin board. One of the methods involved pushing paint around in a zip lock bag. The leaf shape was in the bag along with 3 colors of paint. This took a lot of strength and hand manipulation to cover the entire leaf. And it was a joy to paint a leaf and have clean hands at the end.

Fridays are ‘Game Day’ in the Orange Classroom. Our small class is mastering the art of waiting for their turn as we go around the table. So far, we have played the following games, all more than once.


Almost Halloween


Apple Season